By Nguyen Thi Minh Giang, Senior Program Manager, Schoolab Asia Pacific and student of UEH – University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City – …
BlogEnergyRenewable EnergySustainability
Powering Vietnam’s Green Future
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamInsights from Stuart Livesey, CEO of COP Vietnam and Representative of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) – Vietnam is at a turning point in its…
BlogEnvironmentOcean ConservationPlastic
What Lurks Beneath – The Plastic Monsters of the Sea
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, Sustainability Strategist and Advisor – As children, my younger sister would be petrified of the water after having watched the film…
Why Companies Should Invest in Youth Development for Sustainable Talent
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Tuyen Kelly Vo, Founder, Dear Our Community – In an era where sustainability is paramount, companies must recognize the invaluable contributions that young…
BlogCorporate PartnershipsCSRDImpactPartnerships
Beyond Donations: Corporate Partnerships in the Age of CSRD
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Carl Gustav Lorentzen, Head of Corporate Partnerships, SOS Children’s Villages Denmark – More companies are increasingly moving away from traditional donations to NGOs…
Plastic Odyssey: Inspiring Change in Vietnam
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln – Sustainability Strategist & Advisor – I recently had the opportunity to watch the *Plastic Odyssey* documentary, and I was profoundly…
BlogCommunityEnvironmentSustainabilitySustainable Tourism
Sustainable Tourism in Vietnam: Creating Meaningful Experiences
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Dorothée Perrault Le Hunsec, Founder, Chôm Chôm Travel – Despite Vietnam’s captivating culture and breathtaking landscapes, only 4.7% of travellers return for a…
BlogBreaking StigmaEnvironmentMenstruationSustainable SolutionsWomen Empowerment
Empowering Women and the Planet: The Power of Sustainable Menstrual Solutions
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Celine Ventalon, CEO & Founder, Emer – The topic of sustainable menstrual health is both personal and pivotal to our collective future. In…
2024 Vietnam ESG Investor ConferenceBlogESGResponsible CapitalVietnam
Beyond the Boom: The Integration of ESG into Policy and Investment Strategies in Vietnam
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Mimi Vu & Van Ly, Partner, Raise Partners, Vietnam – Vietnam stands at an important crossroads in its economic, environmental, and social development…
BlogBlue Dragon Children's Foundationhuman traffickingmodern slavery
There’s a human trafficking crisis in Southeast Asia: Is it ever going to end?
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Michael Brosowski, Founder of Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation – Human trafficking and slavery continue to take new forms, constantly staying a step ahead…