By Tom Bosschaert, Founder & Director, Except Integrated Sustainability – Diversity, transparency, collaboration, and a shared vision. Critical features in achieving sustainability and vital for…
BlogChange-MakersDisruptorsEQUO on Sustainable VietnamInnovationMonthly TakeoverZero Waste
EQUO on Sustainable Vietnam: Do we have to sacrifice to be sustainable?
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable Vietnam…if years of paper straws, tofu steaks and reusable diapers have taught us anything, sometimes leading with a message of sacrifice just isn’t that enticing.
BlogInnovationMonthly TakeoverSchoolab on Sustainable VietnamStakeholder Voices
Schoolab on Sustainable Vietnam: What are the students saying on innovation and sustainability?
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Hanh Huynh, Schoolab Asia – Innovation studio Schoolab Asia is sharing the voices of its stakeholders on sustainability, partnerships and impact in Vietnam…
BlogInnovationMonthly TakeoverSchoolab on Sustainable Vietnam
Schoolab on Sustainable Vietnam: Integrating Sustainability into the Innovation Design Process
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Pierre Rault, Service Designer, Schoolab Asia – Innovation studio Schoolab Asia is sharing the voices of its stakeholders on sustainability, partnerships and impact…
BlogInnovationMonthly TakeoverSchoolab on Sustainable VietnamStakeholder Voices
Schoolab on Sustainable Vietnam – With Focus Comes Impact
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Quang-Trân DAO, Sustainability Project Manager, Schoolab Asia – Innovation studio Schoolab Asia is sharing the voices of its stakeholders on sustainability, partnerships and impact in…
BlogInnovationMonthly TakeoverSchoolab on Sustainable VietnamStakeholder Voices
Schoolab on Sustainable Vietnam: Putting Innovation in Waste
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Quentin Frécon, CEO, Schoolab Asia – Innovation studio Schoolab Asia is sharing the voices of its stakeholders on sustainability, partnerships and impact in…
BlogCircular EconomyCommunityCOVID-19CSRInnovationSustainability
Sustainability & Innovation – A 10-Minute Conversation with Matt Wilson, Corporate Affairs Director, HEINEKEN Vietnam.
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamHosted by Schoolab Asia and moderated by Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor and Sustainable Vietnam Contributor, she talked to Matt Wilson, Corporate Affairs…
Putting the Power of Youth Behind Sustainability & Innovation
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor – My first thought was that he was too young to be a managing director. But…
Sustainability and Innovation: What Would Alfred Nobel Think?
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor – December 10 is the official Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, Sweden with many other celebratory events around…
What does social impact mean for corporations?
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor – Jolt. Knock. Impress. Influence. Sway. These are all synonyms for the word ‘impact’. In simple terms,…