[Tiếng Việt bên dưới] Ms. Tran Huyen Nhung, Country Communications Manager of Merck Vietnam, shared recently on – A Chat with Giang! – how…
A Chat with Giang!
A Chat with Giang!BlogLIVE Chat
A Chat with Giang! with Ms. Tran Huyen Nhung, Country Communications Manager, Merck Vietnam
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamLet’s start the new year! A Chat with Giang! welcomes Ms. Tran Huyen Nhung, Country Communications Manager, Merck Vietnam. The chat will focus on…
A Chat with Giang!BlogChange-Makers & TrailblazersLIVE Chat
A Chat with Giang! on the emergency flooding in central Vietnam with Mr. Le The Nhan, President, CODES
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamOrange life vests. That is what you see in the back of the van as Mr. Le The Nhan, President, CODES (Center for Community…
A Chat with Giang!BlogChange-Makers & TrailblazersLIVE Chat
A Chat with Giang! on Sustainable Architecture with Ms. Vuong Minh Hien, Design & Sustainability Manager at Real Estate Developer EZLand
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamOn this month’s A Chat with Giang! Giang lifts up the concept of sustainable architecture and reflects on the conversation with Ms. Hien Minh…
A Chat with Giang!BlogLifestyleLIVE ChatWaste
A Chat With Giang! With ‘less waste’ & lifestyle advocate Mr. Dominic Yan, Founder of Nulla Studio
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamSocial impact trailblazer Giang Tran from – A Chat With Giang! – shares her summary from this week’s discussion! ‘Before you consume something, ask yourself…
A Chat with Giang!BlogChange-MakersLIVE ChatTrailblazersVisionaries
A Chat With Giang! With Ms. Lê Thị Thanh Lâm, Vice General Director, Saigon Food (VN)
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamVisionary and change-maker Ms. Lam together with social impact trailblazer Giang Tran chatted on many topics from the empowerment of women in Vietnam to how all can engage on change whatever your background.