As a conclusion to the COP26 and Vietnam’s pledge to engage further in the Race to Zero emissions and to phase out coal-fired power,…
BlogBuilt EnvironmentClimate ChangeCOP26Sustainable Vietnam on COP26Towards Net Zero
Sustainable Vietnam on COP26: Building Resilience to Climate Change
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamOliver Woodruff, ARUP writes – We need to alter how we power the World, move through it, produce materials, and build it. What is more, we must adopt ways of doing so without emitting greenhouse gases. We must also build resilience to lessen the impacts of unavoidable climate change reflected in flooding, drought, wildfires and heatwaves.
BlogBusinessClimate ChangeCOP26Sustainable Vietnam on COP26Towards Net Zero
Sustainable Vietnam on COP26: 101 on Climate Change, COP26 and Business Resilience
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, Sustainability Strategist & Advisor – The impacts of climate change are not linear. They are manifold and diverse. Climate change impacts…
BlogClimate ChangeClimate FinanceCOP26Sustainable Vietnam on COP26Towards Net Zero
Sustainable Vietnam on COP26: The thorny issue of Climate Finance
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamRichard McNally on Sustainable Vietnam examines the issue of climate finance around the upcoming COP26. As with most decisions related to the UNFCCC, things are far from clear and dependent on outcomes in other parts of the climate agreement.
BlogClimate ChangeCOP26Sustainable Vietnam on COP26Towards Net Zero
Sustainable Vietnam on COP26: What you need to know about the upcoming COP26 climate conference
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Dr. Kasia Weina, Director & Founding Partner, Evergreen Labs – Climate change has definitely become a “hot” topic in recent years and for…