Hien Vuong, Design & Sustainability Manager, EZ Land and Co-Chair of the ESG Committee of AmCham Vietnam – “Một thực tế đáng buồn là…
BlogClimate ChangeEnvironmentSustainable Infrastructure
A Developer on Sustainable Infrastructure – Loss of Green Spaces
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Ms. Hien Vuong, Design & Sustainability Manager, EZ Land and Co-Chair of the ESG Committee of AmCham Vietnam – Ms Hien Vuong, will…
BlogClimate ChangeEnvironmentSustainable Infrastructure
A Developer on Sustainable Infrastructure – Outdoor Air Quality
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Ms. Hien Vuong, Design & Sustainability Manager, EZ Land and Co-Chair of the ESG Committee of AmCham Vietnam – Ms Hien Vuong, will…
BlogCSRShared ValueSME
CSR in Small Enterprises: Pizza 4P’S
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Tran Vu Ngan Giang (Giang Tran), Consultant, NGOs Development & Corporate Social Impact Programmes – Vietnam has become an increasingly significant global economy,…
A Chat with Giang!BlogChange-Makers & TrailblazersLIVE Chat
A Chat with Giang! on Sustainable Architecture with Ms. Vuong Minh Hien, Design & Sustainability Manager at Real Estate Developer EZLand
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamOn this month’s A Chat with Giang! Giang lifts up the concept of sustainable architecture and reflects on the conversation with Ms. Hien Minh…
A Chat with Giang!BlogLifestyleLIVE ChatWaste
A Chat With Giang! With ‘less waste’ & lifestyle advocate Mr. Dominic Yan, Founder of Nulla Studio
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamSocial impact trailblazer Giang Tran from – A Chat With Giang! – shares her summary from this week’s discussion! ‘Before you consume something, ask yourself…
BlogCommunityFoodImpactSupply ChainVietnamWaste
Understanding the Food System in Vietnam
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Perrine Rozec, CSR Manager, CCFIV – Getting food is one of our primary need and today, the world is producing more food than…
Turning the Growl of Hunger to a Purr of Sustainable Nutrition
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor – When my stomach growls from hunger, I walk to the fridge, open the door and take…