The positive responses from the private sector have unquestionably been contributing significantly to this collective effort.
BlogCorporate Social ResponsibilityCOVID-19Impact
Corporate Social Responsibility During a Global Pandemic: Doing Good, for Good (Part One)
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Tran Vu Ngan Giang (Giang Tran), Chevening Scholar, MSc Student, International Management & International Relations, Oxford Brookes University – We are living in a historically…
Meet Sustainable Vietnam Contributor: Perrine Rozec
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamIn her words – There is no doubt that the concept of sustainable development is more important today than ever before. To understand and…
BlogImpactMeasurementSocial ImpactSustainability
Impact Measurement – Why, How and What of it All!
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor – Measuring impact is hard. Why is this so? Impact means different things to different people. Every…
6 Quick Tips on Building Your CSR in Vietnam
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Clemence Aron, CSR Manager, Carrefour Global Sourcing, HK – Business is not only about profit anymore. While the role of the private sector in…
Meet Sustainable Vietnam Contributor: Clemence Aron
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamIn her words: Sustainability is important because there is no alternative. A ‘Sustainable Vietnam’ is critical – Vietnam is the 9th country most impacted…
The Energy Paradox: Schneider Electric On Bringing Light
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor – It all started in the 1960s when grandmother Friedel Friedrich opened a room in her home…
Why a ‘Sustainable Vietnam’?
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor – It has been a little quiet on my front the last weeks. Like most of you,…
What does social impact mean for corporations?
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor – Jolt. Knock. Impress. Influence. Sway. These are all synonyms for the word ‘impact’. In simple terms,…
Being a ‘Broker’ for Sustainable Impact: Meet the Organizing Committee of the LIN Annual Conference 2019!
published by Sustainable Vietnampublished by Sustainable VietnamBy Christina Ameln, CSR | Sustainability Advisor – LIN has been sharing a series of conversations with speakers, co-organizers and partners of: LIN’s Annual Cross-Sector…